To-Do App

The classic To-Do application where a user can write down all the things he wants to accomplish.


  • Your demo and repository URLs are correct.
  • You have completed all of the user stories.
  • Your site is deployed up and running.
  • Sensitive data is not publicly visible.

The classic To-Do application where a user can write down all the things he wants to accomplish.

User Stories

  • User can see an input field where he can type in a to-do item

  • By pressing enter (or a button), the User can submit the to-do item and can see that being added to a list of to-do's

  • User can mark a to-do as completed

  • User can remove a to-do item by pressing on a button (or on the to-do item itself)

Bonus features

  • User can edit a to-do

  • User can see a list with all the completed to-do's

  • User can see a list with all the active to-do's

  • User can see the date when he created the to-do

  • When closing the browser window the to-do's will be stored and when the User returns, the data will be retrieved

Useful links and resources

Example projects